Tuesday, 20 November 2012

A Birthday in Egypt

Birthday cell phone self portrait 
Wednesday the 14th of November was my 38th birthday. Although there was nothing special about the day, it was my first in a foreign country and that makes it memorable.
Ethan in his Galabeya
I’ve started spending my mornings at a preschool with 2 and 3 year olds. As I was walking there I was thinking that this was my first birthday outside in a t-shirt and bare feet seeing flowers and green leaves. The air was a pleasant 23 degrees with a high of 25. I spent the morning cutting, pasting, playing, singing, reading, dancing, cuddling, painting, colouring and wiping runny noses. Ethan wore his galabeya to school and I let the 2 year olds take a few photos with my point and shoot camera.  At 1:30 I went to costa coffee to pick up my new favourite coffee – a mocha with skim milk then headed home to relax.  At 4:30 I met Mike at Cilantro for another coffee. (Two in one day! What was this, my birthday?) At 5:30 we headed across the street to Deb’s place for drinks (Deb is a teacher at the school). She was trying out a new Egyptian wine and I really liked it! Becca met us there. She stayed after school to play tennis and took the late bus home. For dinner, we decided to try an Egyptian restaurant that was recommended to us by another teacher because it had a nice atmosphere where you can sit outside and order a beer. Unfortunately because the 14th was the eve of the Islamic New Year, no beer was being served. BOO   No drinks at the restaurant on my birthday. Disappointing.  I did have a very good meal with enough left over for lunch. Becca enjoyed hers. Mike wasn't especially excited about his meal and his body rejected it at about 3am. We won’t be going back there any time soon.

Thursday was a holiday! I lazed around the apartment catching up on some TV shows on-line. (specifically Parenthood, How I Met Your Mother and Modern Family) Mike wasn’t feeling the greatest and he had a pile of report cards to work on. By about 4:00 Becca and I decided we needed to get out of the apartment. I haven’t gone to a movie yet in Egypt so we decided to go out for dinner and a movie. “The Words” was playing at the Bandar Mall in Maada – fantastic. A movie at the closest theater to us in English and one that both Becca and I thought we’d like to see.    
The Bandar Mall isn't a real “mall”. It doesn't have stores. It has 2 restaurants, a cafĂ©, an arcade, a kids center and 3 movie screens. One of the restaurants was a Chili’s that I was looking forward to trying. They advertise margaritas and I LOVE frozen strawberry margaritas so this was going to be my birthday drink.  We picked up a cab very quickly. We could have walked but because I’d never been there before and it was already dark at 5:15 we thought it best to take a cab. It cost all of 6LE to get there ($1). Becca and I were seated at a table right away at Chili’s. It was a nice atmosphere with lots of people around and music playing in the background. Our waiter was really nice, and as most waiters do here – he gave Becca a LOT of attention. Guess what? - they had the margarita mix but no alcohol. So I ended up with diet Pepsi.  Oh well – strike 2. Our food was delicious. 
Deep fried cheese with dip
Brownie with ice cream
Casadia with
rice and beans
After our meal we went upstairs to the movie. The movie theater was freezing. It was the coldest I've been here – even colder than the passenger waiting area in the Sharm el Sheikh airport. Movies in Egypt have 10 minute intermission. It gave us an opportunity to get a box of popcorn and warm up a little. The movie wasn't fantastic but I enjoyed being at a movie. Jeremy Irons was excellent – he was my favourite part.
On Friday Mike was feeling more human again. After a day of report card writing he was ready to get out. We booked a “driver” to go to the largest mall in Egypt, City Stars located in Heliopolis. Heliopolis is on the other side of Cairo. We read that this mall is super-sized with lots of selection and Becca was excited to go.
View of the front doors from the car window

Inside the mall
It took about 35 minutes to get there. The mall was as expected – huge, clean, expensive and full of Egyptians. We noticed very few expats, not nearly as many as we see in Maadi. Becca was happy to see stores like American Eagle (where she bought a shirt and scarf – NOT on sale) and H&M (where I found a top that was on sale). We ate dinner at Ruby Tuesdays (where there isn't any alcohol – Strike 3; I give up).  The mall was so big we spent most of our time just wandering around to see what was there. 

At Ruby Tuesdays
When we got home, the screen man came to put screen in our living room and dining room windows. The air is cool enough now to turn off the air conditioner and leave the windows open.  The screen is necessary to keep the flies out. Flies in Egypt stick to you. They’re awful. It's always a bit of a challenge when a worker comes to the apartment. They don't usually speak English. It's a good chance for me to put some of the Arabic I've been learning to use.  And if all else fails, we call the landlord who speaks English and he will talk to the worker.
Becca's favourite
homework spot
Saturday was Becca’s day to finish her homework. Mike and I bought some groceries and had them delivered.  My Arabic class is in the afternoon. (Saturdays from 4-8 until Christmas) Mike finished his report cards and Becca skyped with Brianna while she made supper. (Mashed potatoes might be her new specialty).
It was a nice weekend! Turning 38 wasn't painful at all. 

Report cards due on Sunday

And now for another side of reality:

Unfortunately we saw some of the dangers of Egypt in the past few weeks through events that happened to school staff. The school electrician was killed crossing the road. (Mike was told by a fellow teacher that 13 people a day are killed in Egypt trying to cross the road.) One of the young female hall monitors was hit by a molotov cocktail during a street fight. She was just an accidental victim in the wrong place at the wrong time but she now faces expensive plastic surgery. http://chemistry.about.com/od/firecombustionchemistry/a/molotovcocktail.htm

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