Saturday, 29 September 2012

Horseback Riding at the Pyramids

 A few of our friends went horseback riding last Friday and made it sound so fantastic that when they invited us to join them this Friday we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

(This stable also offers camel rides - Bri, we'll take you for sure when you get here!)
Becca looks good on that horse doesn't she?!
This is Kate's horse - love those freckles

is this thing a standard or an automatic? ..... where are the brakes?....

The gang: Jillian, Geisuppe, Nicole, Kate, Mike, Chris, Becca, Sarah, Rachel and Jillian's husband (when I finally
learn his name, I will correct this caption. Sorry Jillian)

Seconds after her horse ride. Love that smile!
So it was like the first time I’ve been on a horse since my 8th birthday! When the guy told me to come and get on this horse I was like ummm… it’s really high up… haha but it was easier than it looks! J a few people got on their horses then mine started walking and I kinda freaked out haha but then it was all good! I think my horsed liked being in front cuz for the first little bit we were first but then a few other people who knew what they were doing came and went in front of me which I thought was a good thing J when we got to the actually desert part it wasn’t as hot as I thought it was gunna be!  And we didn’t just walk the whole time! We trotted a lot then we were galloping and I liked that a lot better than trotting cuz it doesn’t hurt your butt as much! Rachel told me she was REALLY impressed by how well I was doing since I’ve never been on a horse in like 6 years and a few people asked me if I’d done it before cuz I guess I was pretty good at it! And I felt pretty proud of myself haha J . I really like it. I hope to do it a lot while I’m here! And get good! Then maybe when I get home I can start doing it J!!!  ... Becca

The Good: I didn't realize horseback riding was such an aerobic sport - yay for burning calories
The Bad: In some spots in the desert where you are out of the wind - there are flies on your face, even after applying Off
The Ugly: I understand why there are special boots and pants for riding now ... we're all very sore. ouch!

1 comment:

  1. If you need to look for good horseback riding stables to keep your loving friend then you will need to do some checking around.

    Utah Horse Riding
